My Harley Davidson Touring Blog


Monday, 5 July 2010

All on board and the end of the trip. In summary, we set off on Friday morning and covered 445 miles with a total riding time of 12 hours. Both bikes came in with consumption of around 48-50MPG. Cost of the trip, including meals, ferry, hotels and Tunnel about £550 each or £140 per day. What are the memories? Chocolate box perfect town of Delft and its happy citizens celebrating a world cup quarter final as if they'd won the cup. Lovely, friendly people welcoming to their guests. Riding from Delft to Turnhout and hitting a thunderstorm which nearly drowned us as we ingested copious amounts of water through open helmets. Stopping in 27c to put on waterproofs as the rain poured down and having set off again, seeing the sun come out after a mile so therefore looking stupid (and hot)in heavy raingear.
A nice waitress in Turnhout introducing H to Duvel beer. A mere 8.5% proof bottle later, she helpfuly informed H that Duvel is Flemish for Devil.
Finally, noticing that every bike we passed or met had a rider with a friendly salute and every rider we spoke to on the ferry or tunnel was just as we'd expect...a brother.
H and I have decided that the next trip will be Northern France. Don't know when but before the end of this summer.
By the way, I've noticed a few people coming back to have a look at the site from time to time. I started off by keeping this blog as a record for myself but if you have the time, please do let me know through the comments facility whether you want me to carry on with the blog as a public site..critisism good or bad is welcome!
Blue skies

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